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IPMA Seminars in Milan

Milan - Jan 2015 & May 2017

Jan 2015 - Enhacing inter-cultural understanding in Anglo-Italian cross-border projects and exports held at the Fiat Executive Lounge.

May 2017 - Project Management in a prospect engagement tech project held at Casa Milani.

Both these seminars were presented to the International Project Managers Association - Young Crew. The IPMA-YC is an association of students in Management in Milan who are studying at the Milan Polytechnic and at LIUC - University Carlo Cattaneo.

In the first seminar I partnered with Paolo Borrelli to create the seminar content. We both felt that there is a lot of resonance between English and Italian people and a lot of appreciation of each other but that sometimes the working styles or approaches can lead to frustrations and it is useful to understand why "the other side" is working in such a different way. Better understanding of each others working ways can lead to projects with less friction, more productivity and more smiles. It's only a small step back that is sometimes needed to get to this insight.

In the second seminar I presented the challenges I faced and how I overcame them when running a project to bring a concept of Prospect Engagement tech solution that I had envisioned to market.


Bristol - Bologna Idea Exchange

Bristol - June 2016

Bristol and Bologna are cities of similar size, both with strong engineering traditions

We got together at the Mercure Hotel in Bristol, to explore ideas of collaboration between Bristol and Bologna.

Dr. Sean Simpkins is an expert in Ducati Motorbikes which are built in Bologna and has run a business servicing them in Bristol for many years. Sean knows the Bologna and Motor Valley region of Italy very well. Marco Barozzi is the founder and Director of Expo Consulting based in Bologna. Marco and I have worked together on a couple of projects for UK businesses evaluating opportunities in the Italian market and it seemed to us like a good idea to explore further
areas of collaboration between these 2 city regions of similar capacity.


Aptiva Seminar in Bristol

Bristol - Jan 2012

Aptiva - Application Orientated Platform (AOP)

Donato Battistini and his team at Aptiva (Cesena, Italy) created an application development platform (AOP) which enables applications to be built extremely simply and deployed on multiple UIs (Windows, Web browsers). They use the AOP to build their ERP which is used in many Logistics companies across Italy. This semiar was an introduction to the AOP.


30, Bankside Court


Chris Swingler
International Business Manager
Vision | Planning | Sales & Support
To book an appointment, call Chris on: